Van R. Butler Military Family Support
Our Promise and Commitment
At Van R. Butler Elementary School, we stand ready to offer guidance and show our appreciation in a consultative role that supports current and future military-connected students and their families. With continued effort, our administration, teachers, and students respond to the many hardships associated with military-connected students and their school transitions. At Van R. Butler Elementary School, we empathize with the struggles of a family relocating to a new part of the country, or when a parent/guardian deploys for extended periods of time, leaving their family with another situational transition. These experiences are hard, and we understand. With the collaboration of our families and community, we set forth the mission to inspire our students in Becoming Empowered, Adventurous, Resilient Scholars.
We are the Van R. Butler BEARS!
Military Family Reference Guide
VRB Military Point of Contact | Our school’s primary point of contact for military families located on campus. | Andria Delgado Guidance Counselor | 850-622-5040, ext. 2212 |
Mental Health Services Contact | Provides social, emotional, and mental health support at the school. | Andria Delgado Guidance Counselor | 850-622-5040, ext. 2212 |
Team Eglin School Liaison Officer (SLO) and Professional Development | Our comprehensive list of military family resources is available via the Team Eglin School Liaison Officer webpage. The professional development provided to our faculty and staff is focused on the multitude of ways our teachers, students and other staff members can best support a military student and to be mindful of the challenges and hardships associated with military life. | Margaret Rivera Team Eglin School Liaison Officer | 850-883-3545, (DSN)875-3545 |
Enrollment Capacity | VRB reserves at least 5% of controlled open enrollment seats, as defined in Section 1002.31, F.S., for military students. For any questions regarding enrollment, please contact our Data Control Specialist. | Mindy Higley Data Control Specialist/Registrar | 850-622-5040, ext. 2203 |
Student Led Transition Program
At Van R. Butler, we offer a student-led transition program to assist military students coming into the school. The program includes a student serving a military peer-support system linking new military students with others at the school within 2 weeks of arrival; and a process for familiarizing new students with the school campus, including student leaders and upcoming events. Our student led transition program encompasses our Council of Houses, similar to a student council; as well as the Ron Clark Academy inspired school-wide house sorting system. The Council of Houses is comprised of 24 students, selected from both 4th and 5th grade. Two students are associated with each of the 6 houses. Students from the Council of Houses support and welcome new military-connected students as they transition into VRB. For many of these new students, a student from the Council of Houses may be their very first peer contact and connection. These student members are an exemplary representative of Van R. Butler Elementary School and exhibit outstanding behavior, respect, and compassion.
Life at the Beach | Academic Planning |
Military Events
| Military Support/Mental Health |
VRB Veterans Day Celebration
Join us, the Council of Houses, and Van R. Butler Elementary, on Tuesday, November 12th, in honoring the service of our Veterans and heroes. We extend our invitation to you and any of your military relatives to join us for a special recognition event. Our Council of Houses and Orff Ensemble will lead the Veterans Day program in their honor.

Purple Up Day! April 15th

April is the Month of the Military Child
In honor of Purple Up! Day on April 15th, Van R. Butler Elementary invites you to wear your purple attire to show appreciation and support for military children and their families. It is with deep honor and respect that we recognize not only the men and women who serve in our United States Armed Forces but also their families who face silent struggles back home. We are here for you, we appreciate you, and on this day—and throughout the entire month of April—we want to express our gratitude. However, our appreciation extends beyond this month, as we value your dedication to our military every single day.

VRB's Military Child Appreciation Lunch!